
Julie Hoskins, Taft Parent Center Director
818-227-3666 / or email us at [email protected]
Hours: 10:00am -2:00pm
Located just north of the Toreador Center
Mission Statement: Our mission is to be a direct link between parents, community and instructors to improve student academic achievement -empowering parents to have a positive role in their children's lives.
What is a Parent Center? A parent center provides parents with a room or space set aside for their own use at the school; it facilitates communication among families and between families and the school; it provides tools and information for families to assist and support their student's education.
A parent center focuses on parent education and provides a friendly atmosphere that welcomes everyone and encourages working together, promoting parent involvement, and offers community outreach.
All of this adds up to an active involvement of parents and other family members leading to the home-school partnerships needed for effective school reform - a way to involve culturally and racially diverse parents in their children's schools.
What info does the Parent Center provide? College information, Tutoring possibilities, Workshops for parents, LAUSD District information, Taft High School Policies, Computer Technology with Internet Access, Photocopying for Teachers, Information about Parent Rights and responsibilities, Apparel Sales, Volunteer Opportunities and much more.